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Welcome to Pit Pass with Kipp!

Welcome to Pit Pass! I am your host, Kipp. I'm a mechanical engineering student at Florida Atlantic University as well as a member of the school's FSAE team: Owls Racing. This blog was started to give anyone interested in our team or SAE in general an inside look into the world of Formula Student. Things one can expect to find here are testing tips, how various systems on the car work, what not to do with no sleep and lots of Monster, and whatever else I can find that might be interesting. A crash course about the team: we were founded in 2006. We've had a few "two-year" cars, but the past most have been single-year cars. We run a GSXR-600 at the moment on a steel space frame. Our main competition is FSAE Michigan at Michigan International Speedway in May. This past year we placed 24th. As far as a schedule goes, nothing is set in stone yet. Tentatively, a post will happen every month, but the frequency may change as things speed up and slow down. Be sure to visit other areas of the site and come back often for updates. ​- K

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